Topics: Marriage, the protection of human life, vocations
Address to the Members of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota (January 27, 2007)
Topics: the danger of relativism, the inner truth of marriage
Address to the Member of the Roman Curia at the Traditional Exchange of Christmas Greetings (December 22, 2006)
See reflection on the Holy Father’s visit to Valencia, Spain
Topics: demographic winter, ‘de facto’ unions, identity and gender
Address at the Conclusion of a meeting with the Bishops of Switzerland (November 9, 2006)
Topics: public and private ethics, freedom as autonomy
Address to Participants in the Fourth National Ecclesial Convention in Verona (October 19, 2006) : especially the section “Civil and political responsibility of Catholics.”
Topics: the Church’s role in the political arena, non-marital unions
Address during the Vigil of Prayer on the Occasion of the Fifth World Meeting of Families in Valencia, Spain (July 8, 2006)
Topics: saying ‘yes’ to one’s spouse and children, encouragement for parents
Address to Participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Family (May 13, 2006)
Topics: divorce, same-sex unions, the family as the sanctuary of life
Address to Members of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family on the 25th Anniversary of its Foundation (May 11, 2006)
Highly recommended
Topics: sexual difference, the truth of man, non-marital unions
Encounter with the Youth of Rome in Preparation for the 21st World Youth Day (April 6, 2006)
Topics: marriage in Scripture, living the truth of our human nature brings joy
Address to the Members of the European People’s Party on the Occasion of the Study Days on Europe (March 30, 2006)
Topics: Christianity in the public sphere, the dignity of the human person
Address to Participants in the Ecclesial Diocesan Convention of Rome (June 6, 2005)
Highly Recommended
Topics: freedom as saying ‘yes’, the body as theology, sacramental marriage raises natural marriage to its fullest human expression